Psychological Trauma
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Psychological Trauma reviews the theory of traumatic exposure as a major factor in psychological disorders like PTSD. It also addresses the differing outcomes of such exposure as well as exciting treatment options for patients. Some highlights from this volume of the 1998 Review of Psychiatry series include:
- Complete coverage of the neurological damage from exposure to trauma.
- A thoughtful discussion of the reasons some rape survivors suffer from chronic PTSD.
- An established connection between PTSD and anxiety disorders and depression.
- New uses of pharmacotherapy for patients suffering from PTSD.
The understanding of the connection between trauma and PTSD, is a continuing challenge for physicians. While many patients suffer from the disorder, it is still not commonly understood. Psychological Trauma provides psychiatrists and psychologists accessible and reliable information on the topic.
- Introduction to the review of psychiatry series. Epidemiology of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder. Longitudinal development of traumatic stress disorders. Evaluating the effects of psychological trauma: using neuroimaging techniques. Neuroendocrinology of trauma and PTSD. Pharmacology in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder and other trauma-related syndromes. Psychosocial treatments of PTSD.
About the Authors
Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D., is Director of the Division of Traumatic Stress Studies Program and Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the PTSD Program at the VA Medical Center in Bronx, New York.
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