Sexual Exploitation in Professional Relationships
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This book presents the latest data on—and clinical, ethical, and medicolegal issues pertaining to—sexual intimacy in the professional relationship. Contributors (including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, clergy, and attorneys) explore the issue of professional incest across the broad spectrum of the helping professions.
- Prevalence of psychiatrist-patient sexual contact. Sex between patient and therapist: psychology's data and response. Sexual contacts between social workers and their clients. Therapist-patient sex syndrome: a guide for attorneys and subsequent therapists to assessing damage. The seduction of the female patient. The lovesick therapist. Individual psychotherapy for victims of therapist-patient sexual intimacy. An example of group therapy for victims of therapist-client sexual intimacy. Sexual intimacies after termination: clinical, ethical, and legal aspects. Rehabilitation of therapists who have been sexually intimate with a patient. Sexual exploitation by sex therapists. Sexual involvement between psychiatric hospital staff and their patients. Teacher-student sexual intimacy. Sexual boundary violations of clergy. Sexual contact in fiduciary relationships. Medicolegal aspects of professional sexual exploitation. Afterword. References.
About the Authors
Glen O. Gabbard, M.D., is Professor and Director of the Baylor Psychiatry Clinic at the Baylor College of Medicine and Training and Supervising Analyst at the Houston-Galveston Psychoanalytic Institute in Houston, Texas. He was previously Director of the Menninger Hospital in Topeka, Kansas. Dr. Gabbard is the author or editor of sixteen books and currently is joint Editor-in-Chief and Editor for North America of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. His numerous awards include the 2000 Mary Sigourney Award for outstanding contributions to psychoanalysis.
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