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Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Third Edition

A Basic Text

Glen O. Gabbard, M.D.
Series Editor: Glen O. Gabbard, M.D.

  • ISBN 978-1-61537-131-0
  • Item #37131
Video Illustrated!

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Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Basic Text takes a hands-on approach, focusing on the fundamental principles and basic features of the psychodynamic modality for the benefit of training directors and trainees in a variety of mental health fields. This new, meticulously updated edition offers the latest research on the foundations, techniques, and efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy, while still providing the basic information on assessment, indications, formulations, therapist interventions, goals of therapy, and mechanisms of therapeutic action that all mental health professionals require in order to provide excellent care. The author, one of the foremost authorities on psychotherapy, recognizes the common dilemmas experienced by beginning therapists and students, and he has designed the book so that the case examples—and principles illustrated by those examples—are directly applicable to learning and practice. Noteworthy and unique to this volume are the expanded videos, which allows students to see clinical concepts in action through the use of carefully constructed clinical vignettes.

Each chapter has been thoroughly revised, and the new edition boasts a substantial amount of new material and enhanced coverage.

  • Literature on the empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of psychodynamic therapy, increasingly the focus of rigorous clinical trials, has been added to Chapter 2.
  • The videos, originally provided as a companion DVD and now available online, have been expanded with two new case study vignettes and now include two vignettes of the same patient during and at the termination of therapy. This satisfies the need of trainees in psychotherapy to study senior clinicians at work and to see how the concepts and data in the field are applied to individual treatments.
  • The recent ubiquity of texting, e-mailing, social media, and other cyberspace communications in the practice of psychotherapy is covered in Chapter 3.
  • Practical, hands-on applications, such as case write-ups, oral presentations at case conferences, written examinations, oral examinations, videotaped recordings and direct observations, audiotape recordings, and supervision are covered in depth to help build solid skills and broad knowledge.

As useful to educators as it is to students, Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy explains the theoretical foundations and elucidates the reasoning behind the psychotherapist's actions in a wide variety of clinical situations, challenging the reader to build empathy and competency.


  • Video Guide
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Key Concepts
  • Chapter 2. Assessment, Indications, and Formulation
  • Chapter 3. The Nuts and Bolts of Psychotherapy: Getting Started
  • Chapter 4. Therapeutic Interventions: What Does the Therapist Say and Do?
  • Chapter 5. Goals and Therapeutic Action
  • Chapter 6. Working With Resistance
  • Chapter 7. Use of Dreams and Fantasies in Dynamic Psychotherapy
  • Chapter 8. Identifying and Working With Countertransference
  • Chapter 9. Working Through and Termination
  • Chapter 10. Use of Supervision
  • Chapter 11. Evaluating Core Competencies in Long-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  • Index


    Catherine Fox

About the Authors

Glen O. Gabbard, M.D., is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine and Training and Supervising Analyst at the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston, Texas.

I have used Gabbard's basic text for my introductory course in long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy since 2009, and my residents love it! Not only does it give them an acceptable amount of theoretical and conceptual knowledge, but it complements and enriches the weekly clinical work with their patients. As in the second edition, the accompanying videos (now with five illustrations) serve a key added function, that is, observing a seasoned therapist masterfully tackle some of the most common challenges with this modality of treatment. What Does Research Tell Us? in Chapter 1 and Boundaries in Cyberspace in Chapter 3 are welcome additions and highlight the cutting-edge nature of this latest edition.—Michael F. Myers, M.D., Immediate Past Vice-Chair Education and Director of Residency Training and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York

With this volume, Glen Gabbard provides a companion for the often lonely psychodynamic psychotherapist. This is not a how to do it manual, but rather a mentor, a guide, a friend. It shares the wisdom of a senior colleague, with topics ranging from the clinically relevant dimensions of several major theories; through the growing empirical research base, the ideas and models that are beginning to emerge from studies in basic neurobiology; to sophisticated contemporary reviews of such familiar clinical issues as assessment and initiating therapy, transference, countertransference, resistance, dreams, and termination. Any therapist, but particularly any beginning therapist, will find a wise friend and feel less alone with this volume on his or her shelf.—Robert Michels, M.D., Walsh McDermott University Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, Cornell University; Training and Supervising Analyst, Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research; former Joint Editor-in-Chief of The International Journal of Psychoanalysis

Long Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Basic Text, is a comprehensive, clear, and lucid overview of the theoretical fundaments, the essential tools, and the practical applications of this essential psychotherapeutic modality. From the clarity of the definition of concepts and methods, to the practical illustrations of their application to a broad variety of clinical situations, this book provides an updated, highly interesting and useful guide to the psychotherapist in training. The updated review of empirical research on the effectiveness of this treatment, and of the developing knowledge regarding the neurobiological systems involved in the activation of psychic conflicts, Gabbard's volume places psychodynamic psychotherapy within the cutting edge of contemporary therapeutic advances in the treatment of the mental illness.—Otto F. Kernberg, M.D., is Director of the Personality Disorders Institute at Weill Cornell Medical College, Professor of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College, and Training and Supervising Analyst at Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, New York, New York.

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